Your body is far more capable than you give it credit. It wants to be well and has every ability to be well. But it needs your support to do so. 

You don't have to be good at health to be well. Thriving is inside of you. Inside this course, I teach you how to thrive so you can experience health right now. 

Health Made Simple

health doesn't have to be complicated! Let me show you how

I need this! sign me up!

Changing The Story Your 
Body Is Telling

Learn how to heal by

what you get


The world is quick to tell you what your body lacks. It's quick to remind you of your problems to get you to buy into their solutions. But your body is not the problem. It's the solution. Inside this 8-part class, I teach you how to heal by rewriting the story of your biology. A class that shifts your understanding of your body, connecting it to your mind and soul.
 You don't need another diet trying to force your body to change. You need to learn how to support it. 
Let me teach you how to nourish your body so you can heal.

Health is inside of you! Let me show you how to live it out.

downloadable guide

live workshops


8 modules

Quarterly live Q&A


8 Modules broKEn into three or four 10-minute Podcasts


Here's what you'll learn inside!


Redefining health

✓ Metabolism 101.
✓ Understand the metric of energy.
✓ Energy blocks and energy drivers.
✓ Assess your internal energy threshold.

✓ End diet culture.
✓ Uncover your health personality.
✓ Create a vision of a healthy you.
✓ Uncover where you're starting from.

✓ Learn the communication channels of the body.
✓ Understand hormonal patterns.
✓ Learn how to regulate your NS to heal.
✓ Use stress for good, not bad.

✓ Eat to thrive - the what, when, and how.
✓ Nourish yourself on the cellular level.
✓ Stop fearing cravings + end food addictions.
✓ Enjoy food.

lesson one

lesson two

lesson three

lesson four

it's all about energy

nervous system


I am ready to make change! let's do this!


✓ Learn how to romance your life.
✓ Foster healthy relationships.
✓ Grounding sources that heal.
✓ Embrace your feminine and masculine energy.

✓ The difference between emotions and feelings.
✓ The power of the story you tell yourself.
✓ Emotional intelligence + re-engineering your brain.

✓ Move your body to thrive - the what, when, and how.
✓ Fascia re-patterning.
✓ The power of posture.
✓ Building a movement rhythm.

✓ Set boundaries and build rhythms
✓ Create a health mantra + the power of self-talk.
✓ Radical responsibility + ending the victim self.
✓ Living seasonally.

lesson five

lesson six

lesson seven

lesson eight



make it last

supposed to be this hard!

Health is not

After years of doing all the right things and losing my health, I started to wonder if health worth what it cost?

This led me to question whether health was worth it if it meant giving up everything I loved. Or perhaps, it was my love of food that made change feel impossible. No matter how much I wanted it, I couldn't get myself to do the things I knew would create change. Leaving me stuck believing the only way to get there was to follow the basic diet strategies that required you to:

  • Micromanage your body
  • Neglect your needs
  • Restrict pleasure
  • Attach your worth to a size
  • Wait to live until you arrive

But none of this motivated me to change. Arguably, it left me stuck contemplating quitting health altogether. But I realized in fighting to see health for more than how it controlled me, I didn't have to pick between living or getting healthy. It's not a war to fight, but it's learning to connect the two. Understanding this changed everything for me! And I think it will you too!

The story you tell yourself is the story your body lives out.

let's rewrite your story to create health.

I love food. like a lot.

You were made for health because health is the tool to live your life.

class details:


one-time payment

8 Lessons broken into four 10-20 minute podcasts per lesson (value $200)
8 Personalized Guides: To practice what you learn making it personal for you  (value $150)
✓ Quarterly Live classes with Alexa (value $75 ea)
✓ Year-Long Memebership To The Weekly Fill (value $50)
✓ 3 Months of Weekly Meal Plans (value $100)
✓ Four incredible bonuses including 4-Week Workout Guide, Healthy Sugar Guide, 10 video bonus lessons (value $200)

Let's Get Started!

Join the course to get started today!

If you're ready to do health and live well, why wait? All of the details you need to get started will be delivered to your inbox today! Just log-in to get started!  Every handout, video, audio recording, and Q&A session will be hosted on the same easy-to-use platform that is a click away. Or better yet, download it on your phone via an app.

Take it at your own pace, whether you want to slow things down or put on some comfy pants and binge it out. Do what works for you! I'll be here no matter how fast or slow you want to take things!
I'm just excited you're here.

What you get:

(replays will always be available)

total value OVER $900

get it today for $299

$75 / mo

Let's Get Started!



I like what I'm hearing! I'm in!

What others are saying

Notes from past students

HMS completely changed the course of my life!

Health finally makes sense!

Health Made Simple has completely changed the course of my life. And I sincerely mean that. 
Before HMS, I really was playing small. I was afraid to really put myself out there in any way because I was afraid my pain was going to hold me back. So somehow instead of trying, I just quit before I ever even tried. I didn't even realize how much I didn't believe in myself and my capacity. But now, through HMS, I am seeing myself in a totally different way. 

I've spent most of my life chasing health, hopping from diet to diet. I have tried everything, and while they all worked temporarily, I couldn't find anything that would stick. And each time I failed, I hated myself more and more. Honestly, I debated signing up for Health Made Simple for six months. But I can't tell you how glad I am that I finally did. 
Health finally makes sense, and I am starting to see changes I didn't think possible. I am a lifetime believer in Health Made Simple. Thank you for changing my life.

-Katie R.

-Lysa M.

Great question! This is by far my most in-depth course. It helps you understand not one system but the whole of you, including your biological connection to your mind and soul. Everything you need to know about health is tucked away inside this course. Plus, all lessons are recorded via audio, with no video necessary, meaning you can learn while you drive, walk, or do chores around your home. 


How is this different than your other courses?

Nope! This class is for anyone who feels stuck or circling back in the same health patterns for a while. It's for anyone who wants change, male, female, 80 years old, or 18. Building the right relationship with health and your body is foundational for everyone! Anyone can value from taking this class. 

Is this only for women?

I know most people WANT the exact metric to help them lose weight. But this class is not that. Instead, I want to teach you how your body reacts to what you eat, which is more important than any calculation. How your body responds is the secret to health. Knowing this, you can change what you do to support your body. You don't need to be told what to eat, but when you understand the framework to nourish the whole of who you are, everything changes. That's what you'll learn here!

Do you tell me what to eat?

Don't worry. Most class material is sent for you to complete on your own time. I hope you can progress through the lessons one week at a time, but plan on taking the class at your own pace. For all live Q&A sessions, there will be replay offerings. 

What if I can't make it live?

I know it's tempting to share helpful information with your friends, and I'm all about the loving act of giving, but I ask that you encourage them to purchase their own lessons. It will only benefit them. Instead, think of this as per-household. Get your kids and spouse to jump on and encourage your friends to do the same for their families.

Can I share this program with my friends?

I get it! This is an investment. Maybe you've even tried something before, and it didn't work. I promise this is different. Yet, at the same time, I don't want you to engage with this until you are fully ready. This is not for you if you're looking for quick weight loss. But you will love this class if you want to change your approach and understanding of health to make lasting changes. 

Still on the fence?

Have questions?