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Made For Living Well Podcast

learn from nutritionist alexa


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The Made For Living Well Podcast is hosted by Alexa Schirm. A nutritionist by trade, Alexa has rebelled against commonly-held misconceptions about nutrition, and has, instead, championed a realistic health-style that will allows you to live a healthy, satisfied and more simplistic life. Forget dieting for good as Alexa interviews health experts, lifestyle influencers and every day people on what strategies have worked for them and help you implement a plan that can be achieved for life. It’s raw, its funny, its real and unfiltered. It’s The Made For Living Well Podcast.

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what to eat for optimal health

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jessica ash

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Listen on iTunes | Listen on Spotify | Listen on YouTube | Review the Podcast Weight loss isn’t one of my favorite topics, but it is important. I decided to answer the question of how to lose weight in a way that helps you understand why the traditional way hasn’t worked and what will. There are many ways to lose weight, […]

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how to lose weight

Listen on iTunes | Listen on Spotify | Listen on YouTube | Review the Podcast When I lost my health, doing everything right, and by everything, I mean eating all of the ‘right’ foods and working out at least once a day, I realized everything right wasn’t right for me. No matter what anyone said, the best health plan didn’t pan out […]

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best health plan strawberries
hormone holding face

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perspective changes

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"Alexa shares her knowledge with her listeners and is so passionate about health. She gets you to really dive in to change your mindset about everything you thought you knew about how to be healthy. Diet is a 4 letter word, change your mind first to begin to change your health. Thank you Alexa!!!"

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