Living seasonally is one of the best ways to gain energy. Learn the spring health tips plus five changes to help you live healthier this spring.

Nutritionist Advice: 5 Changes You Need To Make For Spring
To everything, there is a season, including biological. While we tend to be great at changing our wardrobe with the changing of seasons, elsewhere, we seem to be creatures of habit. We get stuck doing the same things daily and wonder why nothing works.
Of course, there is some benefit to consistency. But most of your life, including your biology, benefits from changing and shifting with life. In fact, your body needs it. Research has shown that up to 25% of your DNA changes with the seasons, including your hormonal output and energy levels.
Learning the power of change and how to change with the season is required to keep your body top-notch. But don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be scary. Change with the seasons can be fun, spontaneous, and just the excitement you need to keep your health fresh.
Spring is a season of newness
Spring is similar to a woman’s follicular phase. It’s a season of newness and abundant energy. Biologically speaking, it is one of our highest energy seasons, where your body has a powerful force of creativity, power, and enthusiasm. This makes it a great time to shift your daily rhythms and try something new.
Biologically speaking, springtime primes your body to lighten things up, cleanse itself of any imbalances and heal and rejuvenate your deeper tissues. Your body is ready to get rid of the excess weight of winter and lighten things up for the high-intensity summer season.
In the spring, you should notice higher energy levels, increased sex drive, lower appetite, and increased creativity. You might also find more motivation to try something new, push yourself, build on relationships, and detox your system.
But to do this, your body needs support.
I’ve put together five practices to incorporate for a healthier spring. Simple shifts like these can reduce seasonal allergies, feelings of heaviness, bloating, and exhaustion. Try implementing these practices to feel healthier and energized, making the most of the spring season.
Spring Health Tips: 5 Changes To Make
1. Create a new routine
One of the best tools for minimizing winter excess is to break into a new routine. If you have an established routine, try making minimal changes to amplify your needs for spring. A few tips for spring include:
- Wake up with the sun.
- Move your inside activities outside (weather dependent).
- Get at least 5 minutes of morning sunlight.
- Start grounding again.
- Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep each night.
2. Get moving
The cold, dark days of winter can make it hard to keep yourself active. But as you shift into spring and your energy rises, this is a good time to start a new workout program or commit to hitting the pavement to rack up some steps. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Just commit to doing something daily.
3. Keep yourself warm
Spring can be a volatile time of weather patterns that involve excessive wind and damp moisture, both of which can be hard on your system. Even though the temperatures are rising, your body will still crave warmth. The warmer you can keep your system, the more energy it will have. Here are a few tips for maintaining heat:
- Stick with hot drinks over iced drinks.
- Dress in layers and keep your feet covered.
- Soak in an Epsom salt bath at the end of the day.
- Keep your body moving.
- Eat warm foods or add a warm element to cold meals like salads and smoothies.
- Use a heating pad to warm your feet up before bed.
4. Declutter and simplify
Spring is the season of ‘more is less.’ Spring cleaning is more than a cultural expression. It’s a natural pull. Springtime makes people crave decluttering, cleaning, and getting rid of any heaviness their life, environment, or diet may include. Use this to your advantage taking stock of what you can get rid of, donate, or remove from your life.
- Clean your closet and remove clothes that don’t make you feel comfortable and confident.
- Clean out your beauty products, committing to using less overall.
- Get rid of your cleaning products and use a natural homemade version.
- Declutter your schedule by saying no to more so you can say yes to what matters most.
- Cut back on the stimulants like caffeine and alcohol.
- Simplify your diet.
5. Eat lighter foods
Spring is the season of lightening things up. Think more fresh, herby, and broth-based meals rather than the heavier stews and casseroles you had all winter. You might also find eating less variety with more consistency in the foods that make you feel good serves you well this season.
Avoid overindulging, focus on hydration, limit heavy protein, and cut back on dairy, sugar, and heavy grains. Think light, fresh, and warm.
Get the seasonal produce list inside the free guide!
simple shifts
Health is always about balance. And balance is nothing more than the ability to make simple shifts based on what your body needs.
Life is in constant movement. Whether it’s the physical seasons of the earth or life seasons, our worlds are constantly changing. Instead of getting stuck in a one-sized fits all approach, it’s essential to be willing to walk the simple shifts when different seasons approach.
What does that look like for you? What simple shifts could you make to your diet and lifestyle routine that will allow your body to see that you’re working with it instead of fighting against it?
Take note of these shifts, put them into action, and watch as your health changes. This is the good work it takes to support your body.
Get 15 more seasonal changes for spring to boost energy and lose weight here!
Get the Spring Batch Cooking Guide:
Do you want more tips to help you honor your healthiest self this spring? Plus, get over 30 recipes made from produce from the spring season inside this spring batch cooking guide!