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The Easy Solution to Gut Health That No One Is Talking About

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The easy solution to gut health that no one is talking about changed my entire digestive process and took away my constant GI symptoms.

I was the child who, as my family said, “had a weak stomach.”

For most of my childhood and part of my adult life, I struggled with numerous gut health issues. Nothing was severe, but it was always persistent. It ranged from vomiting to excessive bloating and GI-induced headaches. I also seemed to react to a random array of foods consistently.

These issues are, at least partially, responsible for why I got into the health space.

I’ve worked in the health space for the last fifteen years, and gut health problems and remedies have skyrocketed. I’ve seen clients who are sensitive to nearly every food, even foods considered to be the healthiest. Age no longer seems to be a factor.

Within this time, I’ve also witnessed the birth and promotion of probiotics, which recently flipped gears to the warning against them. Similar to most situations in health, there isn’t a good answer as to why we’re here and how we get ourselves out.

We can certainly put some blame on the massive influx of “toxins” and highly processed foods people consume. These stress the GI system and often create an imbalance in healthy bacteria. It’s also fair to blame our eating patterns and movement away from our circadian rhythm, eating most of our calories at night and failing to practice light hygiene.

Other areas of potential cause are our modern-day farming practices, the depleted nutrients in our soil, and our overly sanitized environments void of healthy bacteria.

There are a lot of fingers we can point at and arguably should point at, as these all can cause an excess burden on the body. But to simplify it all, I think that burden points directly at our “problem.” We don’t have the resources to deal with the burdens.

Most gut issues happen because you’re under-resourced and overburdened.

Most people’s gut health issues stem from not meeting their foundational needs daily and consistently.

In this podcast, I share more about your needs, how your lack of food consumption or low energy available states are destroying your gut, and why supplementation is not the best answer. Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Your body wasn’t made to be this sensitive

I don’t want to discount that gut-health issues are very real and often very serious. If you’re struggling with your GI health and the number of associated conditions, you should seek a practitioner who can help.

graph of burdens and resources on the body

But I also want you to know it doesn’t always have to be this way. You can heal. But, it can only heal based on the available resources and energy.

I bring this subject up because we often overlook the basic needs of our bodies when dealing with ‘big’ problems. We forget the basics that could be the root of it all.

My Gut Healing Journey

I know this because I’ve lived it. During my own health crisis, I felt like I was reacting to everything—not just food but light and noise. It was exhausting and frustrating to feel depleted constantly. I relied heavily on external treatments, but I quickly figured out these weren’t sustainable solutions for the long term.

Of course, restriction and elimination protocols can work (at least initially). You want to reduce the burdens as you resource your body, which often means restricting or eliminating what is taxing your body. But it never deals with the root. The root is your under-resourced body.

This means restriction only takes you so far. When I learned how to resource and nourish my body so that it could heal, my gut completely transformed. My symptoms disappeared, and I started to digest what I ate and everything my body had to process. I stopped being so sensitive to life.

Note: I want to add that healing your GI tract and overcoming sensitivities are different from allergies. However, recent research and science show that micro-dosing your body with what you are allergic to can help you regain tolerance.

A Simple Approach to Gut Health

The often-overlooked solution to gut health is resourcing your body with energy. This involves giving your body the nourishment it needs to thrive. By doing so, you provide the essential materials to repair gut cells and strengthen the lining, improving digestion and resilience over time.

Key factors in healing your gut include:

Start Slow, Stay Consistent

Restoring gut health is not an overnight process. It requires consistent effort and patience. Here are some practical steps to get started:

  1. Avoid foods you are sensitive to for now while resourcing your body to handle them in the future.
  2. Focus on meeting your body’s basic needs daily.
  3. Prioritize slow, sustainable changes rather than extreme protocols.

Over time, these practices can lead to significant improvements in your gut health and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

Gut health is foundational to living well. If you’re struggling with GI issues, know that healing is possible. Your body wants to thrive, but it needs the right resources to do so. By addressing your foundational needs and reducing the burden on your system, you can restore balance and resilience to your life.

If you want to learn how to properly resource your body based on your current metabolic output, take this quiz. It will provide practical steps to help resource your body today.

Take the quiz here!

You don’t have to wait for health. Start taking action to create it.

Listen to the podcast to fully understand why your GI tract is influenced by how much you eat and why supplementation is not the answer. Let’s stop complicating the solution to gut health.

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