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Your body’s not that sensitive. It can be, but only because it’s been pushed into forms of dysregulation so long it’s turned to survival. Survival means your body will do anything to keep you alive, even if that means it works against what is healthy. It’s not the intended design. The intended design is to […]

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human energy field


One of the leading problems in the health space, really in life, is how we segment everything into specific parts or systems. We separate our work life from our home life and health from our spiritual life. Even within the body, you have endless systems you work to fix. This separation of the parts of […]

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summer weight loss tips


Weight loss is one of the most searched words on the internet. To no surprise, most people would like to shed a few pounds. The question is, how do you do it and maintain or even achieve health? Learn 20 weight loss tips perfect for summer inside. Let’s talk about summer weight loss! While there […]

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calories matter

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healthiest habits

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health skills

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I’ll be the first to admit I’ve set many resolutions. Yet I’ve never achieved a single one. At least not that I can recount. Yet, I keep going back to the same approach, hoping one of these years it will work. I never blamed the act of setting resolutions for why they didn’t work, but […]

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Listen on iTunes | Listen on Spotify | Listen on YouTube | Review the Podcast If it feels like we’ve been here twenty times over, asking what is good and what is bad food. While it might seem elementary, food is still the most debated topic in health. The health space seems to continuously change what food they claim is ‘good.’ […]

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what to eat for optimal health

Feminine energy is more than an idea. It creates a biological response. In this post, learn the metabolic power of feminine energy and how to live it out. Listen on iTunes | Listen on Spotify | Listen on YouTube | Review the Podcast Even after getting my nutrition degree, I spent a lot of time thinking that health was a to-do […]

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