On today’s episode we’re talking about the differences between men and women’s sexual energy and answering some of the questions you may never have the confidence to ask!

Why Balance Sexual Energy?
Men and women are different in so many ways. Whether it is the courage to set healthy boundaries, connecting emotionally or even how our sexual energy is different, we still have an opportunity to learn how to utilize the design of us as male or female to have a great relationship.
Dr. John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus explains the differences between men and women in all areas of our life, but most specifically around our sexual relationship. He also dives into important conversations you need to have, but you’ll have to listen to find out.
Episode Highlights
- The differences between men and women
- How to understand and honor your role in your relationship
- How masculine and feminine energy can be balanced
- Why both men and women need a balance of masculine and feminine energies
- What he learned as a celibate monk at age 28
- Cultural changes over the last 25 years
- Sex as we age
- The effects of low testosterone
- All about orgasms and whether the g-spot is real
Learn More About Sexual Wellness
- The Sex Talk Podcast Series
- Learn More About The Guest – Dr. John Gray
- The 5-Day Hormone Reset Mini-Course
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