Do you feel the urge to do something different, clean things up, and feel energized? If you’re feeling sluggish, a quick health reset even for one day can rebalance your body creating space for you to feel well. Let me show you how to do it.
Most of us get to this place, feeling heavy after winter and wanting to toss stuff to lighten the load. It’s where ‘spring cleaning’ got its name, and just like our homes, our body’s natural tendency is to do the same.
But it’s not just a mental desire. It’s a biological one.
Your body undergoes a massive biological change, shifting nearly one-quarter of its DNA to prime for the warmer months of summer. This means what your body needs are going to change as well. During this transition, you’ll probably notice a craving for a health reset, which I define as nothing more than creating space for your body to heal by opening up energy flow.
Energy is the most vital life force in the body. I like to think of it as a nutrient. I know we rarely talk about it like we do other nutrients such as vitamin D or C, but it’s vital to our health. Without enough energy, your body shifts its biological response to store, hoard, and conserve energy rather than open up to use it. Everything in your body works based on energy flow and is the focus of a productive health reset.
Inside this podcast, I dive into how to create a health reset by understanding why you need it. We also talk about building an anti-fragile life on health that is unshakable to life—allowing you to live healthy no matter where life takes you.
Do you need a health reset?
Do you need a health reset? You can feel it if you do. Most likely, you’re feeling overwhelmed, sluggish, heavy, and having a hard time digesting food. Or maybe you sleep a lot but never feel rested or have a lingering sense of depression you had been excusing thanks to the weather.
I know symptoms are annoying, but they’re one of your greatest tools in determining your health.
While some symptoms need immediate attention from your physician, other symptoms are used to guide you back to a state of balance. Instead of thinking of symptoms as ‘problems,’ I want you to think of them as a communication channel for your body to judge how balanced or out-of-balanced your body is.
Here’s a simple quiz to show you how balanced your body is:
- Do you struggle to lose weight?
- Do you lack motivation or drive?
- Have persistent PMS?
- Live with brain fog?
- Constantly have cold hands and feet?
- Do you struggle with intense cravings?
- Is your hunger erratic and uncontrolled?
- Do you feel exhausted, even if you sleep enough?
- Have nagging aches and pains?
- Do you feel overwhelmed and burnt out the majority of the time?
If you answered yes to two or more, your body is out of balance. An out-of-balanced state means your body is spending more energy than you should be trying to keep you well, making you feel heavy, exhausted, and overwhelmed. The more you said yes, the more you need a health reset like this one.

Two ways to reset your health
There are multiple ways to create a health reset, from intense restrictive plans to small shifts in your diet and lifestyle. While there is a time and place for all of it, I believe in the power of small shifts, allowing your body room to do the job it was designed.
Your body knows far better than we do what it needs, and if we learn to pay attention in low-invasive ways, a simple one-day reset can change the course of your health for months. Don’t underestimate the power of your body.
The most critical step in designing a health reset is understanding where you are starting from, which changes what you need to do. The two basic starting points we will use include:
Starting point one: You’ve pushed your body too hard for too long (overworked).
Starting point two: You’ve relaxed and overindulged for too long (underworked).
Health Reset for the overworked
The overworked type has pushed their body past the point of health and into stress. It could be one or all of these situations, including calorie restriction, working out too much, an over-scheduled life, or restricting foods or macronutrients.
In any case, the body has been forced past the state of work into a state of stress. In a state of stress (or survival), your body converts the energy you have back into the stored form, forcing the body to conserve it. An overworked body needs rest and nourishment.
Here are a few tips in building a health reset for the overworked.
- Swap the cardio workouts for strength and stretching workouts.
- Eat within two hours of waking up.
- Have your largest meal at breakfast or lunchtime.
- Add nutrient-rich foods to your plate, including more animal proteins and fruits.
- Get three to four meals a day.
- Go to bed 30-minutes earlier than normal.
- Try meditation or praying for 15-20 minutes a day.
- Start a hobby or take time to get out and enjoy life every day.
- Take warm Epsom salt baths.
- Skip the caffeine and alcohol.
Sample Day For The Overworked Body
Here’s an example of a one-day health reset for the overworked body.
- Wake up at 6:00 am drink a lukewarm glass of water.
- Do a 30-minute strength workout followed by 10 minutes of stretching (or yoga).
- 7:30 eat a hearty breakfast like a pesto sweet potato hash with scrambled eggs and a side of chopped oranges.
- Make a warm mug of herbal tea.
- 11:00 eat a big lunch like a brown rice bowl with roasted sweet potatoes, shredded beef, and delicious toppings.
- Take a light walk or get outside after lunch.
- Make a warm mug of tea for the afternoon.
- 2:30 eat a snack like a yogurt parfait with warmed fruit, yogurt, and granola.
- 4:30 take another walk or spend some time working on a project you love
- 6:00 eat a light supper like a broth-based soup and a half of a sandwich (this should be your last and smallest meal of the day).
- Take a warm Epsom salt bath while reading a good book.
- Go to bed 30-minutes earlier than normal.
Don’t get too hung up on the in’s and outs. This is just an example. The idea is that you eat nutrient-dense foods every 3-4 hours, starting and ending earlier in the day while including more rest-based activities.

Health Reset for the underworked
The underworked body type is the person stuck in a state of rest and overindulgence. This state can be incredibly healing in the short term, but our body needs work over the long haul. The body was designed to work.
A health reset for you means it’s time to push your body by eating clean foods, getting back to a rhythm of movement, and waking up a bit earlier every day. It’s time to show up for yourself. The underworked body needs to be pushed while maintaining balance.
Here are a few health reset tips to re-balance and energize your body.
- Make it a priority to add 30-minutes of movement to your day (strength training is ideal).
- Wake up 30-minutes earlier than usual and develop a morning routine.
- Eat light seasonal foods opting for whole fruits, cooked veggies, light grains.
- Limited sugar and processed foods.
- Avoid snacking between meals, focusing on making mealtime consistent.
- Stop eating before 7:00 pm.
- Aim to get 10,000 steps a day.
- Make your largest meal of the day lunch and supper your lightest.
- Start a new project or hobby.
- Skip caffeine and alcohol.
Sample Day For The Underworked Body
Here’s an example of a one-day health reset for the underworked body.
- Wake up between 5:30-6:00 am drink a lukewarm glass of water.
- Complete your morning routine you love, including 30-minutes of movement.
- 8:00 am eat a light, nutrient-dense breakfast like a smoothie and homemade granola bar.
- Warm-up with an herbal tea.
- 11:30 eat your largest meal like chicken lettuce wraps with a fruit salad.
- Take a light walk or get outside after lunch.
- Make a warm mug of tea for the afternoon to boost your energy.
- Work on a new or old project you enjoy.
- 2:30 eat a light but nutrient-dense snack like homemade chicken salad with crackers and bell peppers.
- 4:30 pm get outside and move your body by hiking with a friend.
- 6:00 pm eat a light supper like a stuffed sweet potato (this should be your last and smallest meal of the day).
- Complete one small house project or task.
- Reward yourself with a warm Epsom salt bath while reading a good book.
- Go to bed 30-minutes earlier than normal.
Don’t get too hung up on the in’s and outs. This is just an example. The idea is that you eat nutrient-dense foods every 3-4 hours, starting and ending earlier in the day while including more rest-based activities.

Ready to take it to another level?
This is just a snippet of what balanced health could mean for you. But don’t underestimate the power that one day of energy support can have on your body. Take this information and use it to build your personal blueprint.
If you want help, let me show you how inside the powerful course called Health Made Simple. The place where you can learn how your body works, so you know what it needs to maintain a state of balance and produce the results you have been longing for.
If you’re ready to take the reset and make it a health upgrade, check this out!
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This is the last podcast in the series of eight life-changing health tips you need. Make sure you check out the other eight below:
Want the other 8 Life-Changing Health Tips? Get them all here:
- Why you need to redefine health, learn how here!
- Learn why you can’t do what you know you should.
- Skeptic’s guide to meditation + how to get started.
- Five ways to use your nervous system to get healthy.
- Sexual wellness routine, why you need one.
- Is Intermittent Fasting Healthy? Here’s a better option!
- What is Metabolic Eating? Every detail you need!